Tremendous piece of writing, thank you for sharing. "One whose rhetoric is always balanced...cannot account for the sway of the universe," reminds of me Robert Pirsig's Quality, likely because I'm reading Lila right now, so it's fresh in my mind. The issue of "balance" between dualities: self vs no-self, static vs dynamic, order vs chaos, and the apparent metaphysical equality of arguments for each, the only solution is a form of empty, paradoxical, coan of "being in harmony with the universe." And sometimes, that means shutting up and enjoying the harvest festival

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Prophets almost never develop the skill of timing. And to follow in the arcane language of the article - hence they fail to convince.

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Nietzsche knew he was ahead of his time -- by a few centuries! You can only work with the kind of clay you've been given.

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Pleasure "talking" with you

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